Sheba University College
10 Years on
Educational excellence

Welcome To
Sheba University College
Established in 1999, Sheba University College is an ICT focused high-profile pioneer private higher-learning institution in Ethiopia. Having its main campus located at Mekelle (Near Ethiopian Telecomunication Mekelle), Sheba also operates in five other branches (Axum Campus ,Shire Campus, Adwa Campus,Humera Campus, Alamata Campus).
From its inception to date our university college is of the deep belief that the future of Ethiopia is closely linked with information technology. That is our future lies in how we engage the dynamic machines appropriately in fighting poverty. This in turn needs a focused development of the solution developers of which our country is still hungry of. We believe we have started the race towards achieving this goal responsibly in the last 10 educational excellence years.
The vision of Sheba University College is: |
To become one of the highly performing and reputable colleges/universities that promotes excellence in imparting ICT and ICT integrated knowledge and skills, and dissemination of advanced scientific knowledge through teaching, research and technology development.
The mission of Sheba University College is: |
Transmission of multidisciplinary knowledge through teaching that initiates students with an appreciation of change and development, and stimulate a spirit of inquiry, to promote research with special emphasis being given to increasing the number of well trained research and participating to the development endeavor of the society in search of solutions to its multifaceted problems.